What Is AdMob And How To Generate Ad Unit ID For Android Application

AdMob is a Google product which helps you in placing Ads on a mobile network, that allows you to monetize your Android app.

By integrating AdMob into your app you can start earning right away. If you have published a free app then definitely AdMob is the best option to earn money from your apps.

Integration of AdMob codes in your Android Application is very easy, currently, AdMob is offering five types of ads:

  1. Banner Ad
  2. Interstitial Ad
  3. Rewarded Ad
  4. Native Ad
  5. App Open

I will talk about all the Ads later, but first, we will start with creating an AdMod account in order to generate Ad Unit ID. So, let’s get started.

How To Make An AdMob Account?

To create AdMob account search AdMob in google and signup with your Gmail account or you can click here to signup for AdMob account.

How to make admob account

Read all terms and condition and accept it.

Upon sign up, you will land on the home page of your AdMob account which looks like below screenshot.

admob home page

All the metrics will show zero to you because you have just created your account, so don’t worry. You will also start making money from your app by displaying Admob ads. Start learning how to make android apps.

Now moving forward we will see how to generate that AdMob ad id.

How To Generate Ad Unit ID For Android App?

Generating Ad unit ID for all type of Ads i.e Banner Ad, Native Ad, Rewarded Ad and Interstitial Ad is similar. Follow the below steps to generate Ad Unit ID.

1. Click on Apps then choose the app you have already published on the app store. Then click on the ‘ADD AD UNIT’ button.

how to generate admob ad id

If you have not listed any app then, first of all, you have to add your first app by clicking on click on Apps > Add App

Then you have to choose the app platform – either Android or iOS and have to select your project status i.e., whether you have published your app or not.

add first app in admob

On the next screen, you will be asked to choose where else your app is listed. Click on the checkbox and press the continue button.

select app store

Now select ad format. You will get five option i.e Banner Ad, Native Ad, Rewarded Ad, App Open, and Interstitial Ad.

Suppose you have selected Banner Ad, then in next window you will get an option to write Ad Unit Name. This name can be anything, it is just for your reference.

In advanced settings choose the ad type and optimize option. Then hit on “CREATE AD UNIT” button.

admob banner app id creation

That’s it you have successfully created your Ad unit which looks like ca-app-pub-0x45700x/3326xxxxx. 

admob app unit id

Click on Done button if you have finished. Else hit on Create Another AD Unit if you want to create the Ad Unit for other formats also.

Now, you can integrate your app with App Unit id. Check out the below guide to learn how to do it.

How To Load Interstitial Ad At Regular Interval Of Time

How To Insert Both Banner And Interstitial Ads In Android Applications

How To Load Interstitial Ad When Navigation Item Is Clicked

How to insert AdMob Banner Ad in your Android App

How to insert AdMob Interstitial Ad in your Android App

How to insert AdMob Native Ad in your Android App

If you are a beginner and want to learn Android Application development from scratch click on the below link. It will give you a brief idea about android app development.

Learn Android Application Development From Scratch – Step by Step Guide

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